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Image by Анна Рыжкова on

Where to Go for Rock Climbing and Bouldering around Barcelona?

Barcelona, known for its stunning architecture, vibrant culture, and beautiful beaches, is also a haven for outdoor enthusiasts seeking thrilling rock climbing and bouldering experiences. With its diverse landscapes and excellent climbing spots, Barcelona offers a variety of options for climbers of all levels. Whether you are a seasoned climber or a beginner looking to try something new, Barcelona and its surrounding areas have something to offer. Here is a guide to some of the best rock climbing and bouldering spots around Barcelona.

Rock Climbing in Montserrat

Just a short drive from Barcelona, Montserrat is a magnificent mountain range that offers some of the best rock climbing in the region. With its unique rock formations and stunning views, Montserrat attracts climbers from all over the world. The area features a wide range of routes suitable for beginners and experienced climbers alike, making it a popular destination for climbers of all levels. Some of the most famous climbing areas in Montserrat include Raco de Missa, Can Jorba, and Gorros.

Bouldering in El Garraf

For bouldering enthusiasts, El Garraf is a must-visit destination near Barcelona. This coastal region is home to a number of fantastic bouldering spots with a variety of difficulties to challenge climbers. The rocky terrain and picturesque seaside views make bouldering in El Garraf a unique and memorable experience. Some popular bouldering areas in El Garraf include the Can Torreta boulders and the Cova de l’Ametller.

Rock Climbing in Margalef

If you are willing to venture a bit further from Barcelona, the limestone cliffs of Margalef offer world-class rock climbing opportunities. Located in the province of Tarragona, Margalef is known for its steep walls, tufas, and pockets, making it a favorite among sport climbers. The area boasts a wide range of routes, from easy climbs for beginners to challenging routes for advanced climbers. Some of the must-visit sectors in Margalef include El Laboratori, Racó de l’Ocell, and Can Piqui Pugui.

Bouldering in Savassona

For a unique bouldering experience, head to Savassona, a bouldering paradise located near the town of Vic. This hidden gem offers a tranquil setting surrounded by lush forests and granite boulders, providing climbers with a peaceful and scenic environment to hone their skills. The boulders in Savassona come in various shapes and sizes, offering a diverse range of problems for climbers of all abilities. Some of the classic bouldering areas in Savassona include La Cova de les Gralles and Els Diables.

Rock Climbing in Siurana

Situated atop a stunning limestone cliff overlooking the Siurana reservoir, the village of Siurana is a rock climbing mecca in Catalonia. Known for its challenging routes and breathtaking views, Siurana attracts climbers seeking a true test of their skills. The area offers a mix of sport climbing and traditional climbing routes, catering to climbers with different preferences. Some of the must-climb routes in Siurana include La Rambla, La Capella, and El Pati.

Exploring the Climbing Scene in Barcelona

Aside from these specific climbing destinations, Barcelona itself offers a vibrant climbing scene with indoor climbing gyms and outdoor climbing walls scattered throughout the city. Whether you are looking to train during the week or meet fellow climbers, Barcelona’s climbing community is welcoming and diverse. Some popular climbing gyms in Barcelona include Sharma Climbing BCN, Sharma Climbing Raval, and Climbat La Foixarda.

In conclusion, Barcelona and its surrounding areas offer a wealth of opportunities for rock climbing and bouldering enthusiasts. Whether you prefer the rugged cliffs of Montserrat, the coastal boulders of El Garraf, or the limestone crags of Margalef, there is something for everyone in this region. So grab your gear, explore these fantastic climbing spots, and experience the thrill of climbing in Catalonia.

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